Full Version: Why do you like message boards.
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i like the pretty pictures.
interaction with different people that ... never would have had the chance to experience
Goatweed said that

Quote:interaction with different people that ... never would have had the chance to experience
replace experience with fuck
It gives me something to do besides run a batch thinking of Aunt May
I don't know who that is.
I like the fuzzy feeling.
Because I am a loser with limited social skills, who would rather lazily do nothing but sit on the internet and mope about my lack of social life and/or romantic future than actually put myself out there, and do something about it by getting a hobby, getting in shape, or otherwise improving my interest to the rest of the actual world.
It gives me something to do, well that's how it started anyhow. Now it's become more of a social thing, seeing as I know so many of you. And even the ones I never met I feel like I know slightly. Ok, I know I'm pathetic, no need to rip me.
Quote:Because I am a loser with limited social skills, who would rather lazily do nothing but sit on the internet and mope about my lack of social life and/or romantic future than actually put myself out there, and do something about it by getting a hobby, getting in shape, or otherwise improving my interest to the rest of the actual world.

Galt said it for me.
Because of all the awesome birthday wishes I get.... :thumbs-up:
Yeah, Kindred, you're lucky. You got a birthday thread. I got nuffin'.
Cause i love you guys.. well most of you.
awwww :loveya:
Quote:Cause i love you guys.. well most of you.
....what about me Undecided
Quote:....what about me
cause i <3 the sick little family thing we got going on :-)
... can I call you sis? :thumbs-up:
.... I've never had a sister before.... until now :loveya:
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