Full Version: Subway Hijacking - no it didn't happen, yet
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I'm sitting at work last night watching this movie, The Taking of Pelham 123.(Nice job I got, watching TV when I should be answering phone calls) For those of you who haven't seen it or missed the remake a few years ago. Four men hijack a number 6 train just outside of Grand Central and hold 17 people hostage for a $1 million ransom. I wondered if this could actually happen in our city or anywhere else that has a subway system. And wondered why terrorists haven't tried something like that yet. Comments??? By the way this is a really good movie.
Well, It's The Taking Fo Pelham, One, Two, Three
If You Want A Doodoo Rhyme Then Come See Me
I don't see why not, they have :crackhead: driving them anyway, don't they
was the train still moving or stopped during the hijacking?
a little bit of both. They took it into the tunnel about half way. disconnected the front car and sent the passengers back to the station. They kept whoever was in the front car as hostages. and they moved the train downtown. There are two versions of the movie. One with Walter Matthau,which is the one I watched last night and then one with Vincent D'onofrio(Private Pyle) that was on TV a few years ago.
i was gonna say something, but it would give away the ending. & i do't want to be that guy.
This could be seriously bad. I mean imagine if some terror-fuck wanted to put a big bomb on a subway car and drive it into penn station. That'd be bad.
Quote:I mean imagine if some terror-fuck wanted to put a big bomb on a subway car and drive it into penn station. That'd be bad.

To be completely honest, I am baffled that hasn't happened yet.
I think maybe they're too dumb to navigate the subway system.
It has happened.

"They" just don't want you to know about it.

I mean, how can you explain all of the delays? Hmmm?
The terrorists are suffering from "Professor Chaos" syndrome.

They can't plant a bomb in a subway train/tunnel: that was done in Die Hard 3.
They can't bomb a sporting event: Black Sunday.
They can't drive a taxi directly to it's location......
You wanna know about delays??? I'm a fire department dispatcher here in NYC. Almost anytime there is a fire in the subway they have to shut power off on the tracks or discharge all passengers from a train so the firemen can go into the tunnel and go to the fire. Not to mention all the people who decide to end it all and take a swan dive in front of an uptown F train.(No joke, this has happened TWICE in the past 2 days and happens a lot more often than you think)
Quote:They can't bomb a sporting event: Black Sunday.
What about The Sum of All Fears?
Quote:What about The Sum of All Fears?

Somebody went and saw that piece of crap?
heh heh, i just saw the girl wit hthe giant Asshole :lol:
Quote:Somebody went and saw that piece of crap?

Some people actually read books.

You know, the thingies with paper and ink.