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Jacks a cocksmoker.
Great now who wants to put some stank on my hang-low?
we can still berate baker after every one of his posts tho, right?
Does this mean you don't want me?
DIG if your hang-low ain't already stankin, I don't want it.
gonzos sig says glassjaw \m/
dude OMG

Can I be apart of the crucial mosh justice now?

Teach me, I love the phrases dude.

I was at work and this dude was bothering me, I was like "i'll fuckin floor punch your ugly face to the other end of the store!!!!!"

I didn't say it but i was thinkin it.
you break edge too often, i dont know if i can pull you from your negi ways
Break edge? Is that like breaking someones face by slamming it into something?

What did I do wrong? come on.
YOU DONT EVEN REALIZE EDGE IS BROKEN. Confusedigh: i bet you even drink schmidts beer and snort cocaine.
I don't like beer and I have never done any drugs.

Teach me!!!!!!
Why do I feel like oas the out of place old guy oas in the club trying to act hip?
so Hybrid, are you saying you didn't inhale?
Hybrid didn't inhale, he sighed in the bowling alley all alone while everyone else inhaled.

It was a sigh of pain, not inhaling.

Not just because danked left him all alone but also because he knew danked was sitting in the car smoking a bowl with his friends. All the while Danked was lighting the lighter over and over again purposely not making it light and yelling "GUESS WHO I AM, HAHAHAHA... STUPID FUCKIN HYBRID".
Quote:Posts: 11036
holy Hell! :bow:
gonzo edited from nicely reminding me of that night to rubbing it in my face :disappointed:
haha I know it was too good to just forget.

I'm a post whore but I won't post an extra thought in another post when I can just edit it.
it was windy that day
It wasn't wind, it was steam coming from hybrids ears.
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