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so you like being poor then?
Jews and fire go hand in hand... fire... buuuuuuurn...

im not poor...
I'm actually the poor one.
i bet ladi feels stupid now. DONT YOU LADI?
Gonzo is hiding it under his matress, all Jews have money
stereotypes usually aren't true......unless they're about blacks or mexicans, of course
Yeah I am hiding my money under my mattress, while I pull my hair out on how to pay the 35K of debt I am in.
my buddy pulled himself out of 27k of debt with $300 and 6 hours of blackjack in Atlantic City. but i don't think that happens too often.
sell youself

Quote:i bet ladi feels stupid now. DONT YOU LADI?
no actually, today was good, Gonzo's gonna fuck me at the BBQ
or whenever the next time we meet, if you want i'll bring BBQ sauce everytime I go out just incase.
Gonzo, youre edge was once so strong, like Magnus Ver Magnusson
but now it is broke, can we ever be friends again?
if someone would explain it to me maybe, I don't know your young folks lingo.
Quote:if you want i'll bring BBQ sauce everytime I go out just incase
I wanna be your honey glazed chicken darling
sleeper maybe we can jump him in 88 style. the mosh was most crucial that year.
yea, they only began that karate shit in 89. I bet it was a bunch of coke heads too.
Can I stomp your heads 86 style?
im gonna windmill you in oblivion
I'm gonna rip out your heart and feed it to you 72 style.
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