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Quote:Coming from you that's a compliment
...but what if it came from me :fuggin:
hey who deleted Baker's post? it was comedic gold
HEY WAIT!!! i didn't write that!! JACK??!?!?!!?!?!
nah, just joking.. i really did write that.. LG is an ass.. But that's not the point of this thread.
Hybrid and Jack are cool though. Why don't you two just chill, relax, have a beer, watch the Married with Children Reunion Show, laugh your balls off, pinch your helmet alittle and make up??
I agree with Ronin's previous statement, but I think Gomez is the bomb baby.
Quote:hey who deleted Baker's post? it was comedic gold
I did. I don't care to have to defend him too.
Quote:...but what if it came from me
Don't try and sweet talk me sugarlips
i bet baker and jack are sitting and posting and high fiving each other
Quote:I did. I don't care to have to defend him too.
why not just delete his account and skip the middle man?
ure knot aloud too delete bakerz postz
Quote:I'm at work.
...then act like it

Quote:I don't care to have to defend him too.
if he can't do it himself, he should lay off the Post key
Great googly moogly :crackhead: Give me back the time I've wasted catching up
Quote:Great googly moogly
I can't remember the last time I heard this phrase used - nice! :rofl:
Quote:Great googly moogly :crackhead: Give me back the time I've wasted catching up
Metal.... we can say that about most all of your posts too... :lol: takes less time to read one of my posts than to catch up on this cluster fuck of a thread.
Sorry I have not lived up to your lofty standards. Why don't you have Jack delete all of my posts as well then? :crackhead:
Edited By Metalfan on 1044557860
watch what you say or he might
even though i think both sides of this argument are retarded, hybrids sig is seriously funny
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