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fuck you. seriously. like i wanted you to be kicked out.
I told you to stop. You didn't.
So what's new? :-D
Ok I am gonna step in on this one, how about we only block admins from posting in the stoner forum?

None of the mods have ever caused trouble anyway, even though I won't be able to post anymore i'll bite the bullet on it.

Hybrid promises to ignore jack and not go out of his way to bust on him, jack will not use his buttons to fuck with hybrid.

Just ignore eachother if you can't take jokes without getting personal, don't get defensive and say it was his fault or his fault, you both got carried away.
usually you shouldnt have to tell an admin what to do and what not to do. i guess its different here.
Quote:usually you shouldnt have to tell an admin what to do and what not to do. i guess its different here.

And usually when people dish shit out, they can take the heat back. Go figure.
Both of you, shut the fuck up and ignore eachother
Quote:Just ignore eachother if you can't take jokes without getting personal, don't get defensive and say it was his fault or his fault, you both got carried away.
Good luck with that.

fuckin children, are you both dense?

Thats it, jack can't post in the stoner forum, jack can not touch hybrids account, jack can not edit hybrids posts.

hybrid will stop busting on jack every chance he gets.

if you can't get along ignore eachother, if not I will lock you both in anger management and have you have it out there.

Quote:Both of you, shut the fuck up and ignore eachother

Your the one who just decided to jump in and take the argument to another level. Fucking hypocrite.

As far as I was concerned our argument was over til you jumped in.
Gonzo, you shouldn't be blocked either, you didn't do anything
everyone leave your buttons at the door
i deleted one post of yours. you took away my editing power, changed my forum rules to say I WAS GAY LOLOL, then deleted every post i made in the one thread, and edited all my posts in the beginning of this one. that sounds a little one sided to me. not to mention you edited gomez's and wbks posts, and even posted as wbk.
I don't care, I will bite the fuckin bullet, I've probably done something anyway I always do along the line.

Gomez go write a freestyle, shine your bling or somethin.
Quote:i deleted one post of yours.

No, you deleted 1 and edited many. I do it back, yes on a grander scale, and you get pissy.
Hybrid's crucial mosh justice , god I love that phrase.
if you're gonna have it out go to anger management and have it out once and for all.
none of yours. and any i edited of others were as a joke. maybe if you listened to the rules you would have stayed out in the first place. but no you had to flex your big flabby admin muscles. wooo tough guy.
Jack can't post in the stoner forum anymore, what else do you want?
Quote:none of yours. and any i edited of others were as a joke. maybe if you listened to the rules you would have stayed out in the first place. but no you had to flex your big flabby admin muscles. wooo tough guy.

Exactly. It was a fucking joke. I did it back and you hide behind me flexing admin muscles.
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