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Someone IM Froy and ask him for advice.
stfu both.
Quote:Your the one who just decided to jump in and take the argument to another level. Fucking hypocrite.

Yeah, and now I told both of you to shut the fuck up and end this, what's your point?
you didnt do it as a joke jack, you did it because you cant fight a fair battle, you're not witty or funny, and all you can do is play with your buttons. every time i said something yesterday you'd edit it to I :loveya: Jack lol omg jack so funny. you're just pissed because we pick on your idiotic brother and just like you he cant fight back.
Quote:Jack can't post in the stoner forum anymore, what else do you want?
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :banana: :banana: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Quote:idiotic brother and just like you he cant fight back.

Another thing to hide behind. This had nothing to do with him. Why can't you see that. Not once did I mention him. I picked on you because you picked on me. End of fucking story. Grow up.
Hybrid that's enough, you are just as at much fault as jack has been. Making fun of someone is a given here but when you do it constantly for months on end every chance you get it gets annoying. You get amazingly pissy when someone makes fun of you and get defensive. Jack over stepped his boundaries by editing, deleting, whatever.

The point is both of you are gonna argue for a while, then stop. So just stop now and ignore eachother.
Why the f&%$ you bringing me into this I wan't nothing to do with this baby ass shit You fucking hypocrite.
Baker you can actually curse here.
Really? Fucking sweet!
Hey wait, that means I can't post in the Stoner Forum cause of these fuckers???

Fuck that, lock them in Anger Management until they sort it out!!!
Keyser is like a pretty girl whose thought process is a little slow.

Admins can't. Asst, admins and mods can, I just set it. You can post in the stoner forum, now go try to chew a stick of gum and see if you can type at the same time.
nice! wanna fuck?
Your hair looks pretty and no the dress doesn't make you look fat baby, I love you.
what do you think about my skins, sugarcock?
Momo did a really sweet banner, your skins were pretty sweet too.
:bouncer: Confusedmokey: :firebounce:

personally i like gomez's first one but i don't like rectangular banners. i think the logos look better floating as stylized text on top of the background. but thats just one mans opinion.
I like my second one the best
Let's stay on topic here. So who's the next one that's gonna call the other a cocksucker? Hmmmmm?
DIG you're a cocksucker but in a good way.
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