anyone have that link that Stern has been talking about and i didn't get the rest
supposed to show drones and shit picking towel heads off
hook a brotha up
does this site intentionally pick the worst songs imaginable or what?
Those videos were great! Someone should send them to the guys from here that are in the service.
**I only watched about 30 seconds of the 3rd one. It looked boring.
Edited By Sweet Angel on 1044560501
Dude, that last video was fuckin awesome.
The Nintendo generation goes to war. This is what you've all been training for. Blowing up aliens=blowing up Taliban.
Quote:**I only watched about 30 seconds of the 3rd one. It looked boring.
Angel, that is the best one of cockpit footage of us bombing targets.
I dunno. Seven minutes is a long time for my attention span today. Maybe I'll try again later.
that last one is amazing
seeing all of them run for their lives, is the BEST
thank you..that was sweet
the one explsion at the end you can see the guy sbody fly through the air
too funny
Edited By DGW on 1044565155
dope is playing a ny show feb 28th. huzzah!
isnt that the day coheed and cambria is playing?
think niggers drink pepsi?
Edited By WhackBagKid on 1044570109
Quote:isnt that the day coheed and cambria is playing?
oops. i messed up the dope she is march 28th :bouncer:
wouldn't it be dope if dope played that show with co & ca. that would be dope!!
it would be the dopest dope concert