Full Version: Michael Jackson Interview - One Sick F
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I watched this special in and out. But Holy F'ing cow. This guy is Messed up. I couldn't believe some of things he said. How normal it was to sleep with little children in bed and not care at all. The fact that he makes his kids wear masks because all kids should. This is only truly and twisted person.

I honestly think that even though he's Jacked up, He should get his own reality show. Forget the osbornes, Lets watch Michael. Train wreck!
you can say fuck
... I liked the part where he went into the store and had basically bought everything...
he's weird
I am so sorry I missed this
I really wanted to see this
I have nothing else to add thank you.....
I saw the last half hour or so. Very scary indeed....loved how he sat there holding hands with a 14 year old as if they were dating.
I didn't see anything odd at all about him.
This would be an improvement.

[Image: thriller.jpg]
I missed this fuckin thing, fuck!!

They paid 5 million for the interview they should atleast pull an MTV and replay it a 100 times a day.
The first hour of the show i actually started feeling sorry for him. But when they started to show him with his "children" things started to get alittle scary. He says his kids wear the masks for protection against kidnapping. I think it makes it easier just look for the 3 kids with ugly masks and pajama's on. I dont think he's a child molester though. I think he's A sexual. He has no sexual feelings for men women or children. We know Joe Jackson abused him and his brothers for years. He had no childhood of any kid. And now he is 44 years old and still believes he's a kid. (or peter pan)
I hate Gloria Allred so much, I hope that fuckin cunt dies.

This prudish ugly skank is always sticking her nose in everywhere, for peoples rights she just wants her fuckin ugly grill in the news.

She's commenting on the jacko special right now on E!.
Yeah she wants to have him investigated legally. For what??? There's no proof that he has sex or abuses children. Yes he's a wack job and he's whiter than me but thats about it. You just cant start an investigation with no evidence. And there is no way that Michael Jackson will ever get locked up for anything in this fucked up country. Not with all the money he has.
Dude her fuckin grill always appears wanting to give her unwanted opinion on every celebrity case. Her stances on women rights wanna make me vomit, she's against the war cause saddam has never done anything to antagonize us.
How disturbing was it hearing him describe how he got in bed with all the kids, read storys and then at dawn got up and went on the hot air balloon.

This guy is creepy as all Hell. I also got skeeved out when that kid had his head on Michaels shoulder as they watch TV.
Don't forget the parents of those kids need alot of the blame.
I agree. I would never leave my child alone with someone regardless of their celebrity status....especially now that there have been molestation charges, anyone who leaves their kids with this lunatic deserves to be shot.
For 25 million i'd use my kids as bait.
If anyone missed this the first time Fox is gonna be airing it at the end of the month. I think i also heard the VH1 is airing it 3 times this weekend.
It's on VH 1 right now
I watched it on VH1 today, honestly I kinda feel for the guy. I think he is majorly messed up and yeah he has more money that he knows what to do with but I feel bad for him in a way, he has everything yet nothing.

He does have some seriously skewed and fucked up understanding of things and needs help.
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