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Quote:here are some more jillian facts:

she plays a recurring role as "foxy levin" on v.i.p.

she’s 5’ 4” inches tall and claims to never work out.

jillian has two tatoos - one on her ankle and one of a four leaf clover over the union jack.

i'm stupid :poke:
isn't she the girl on the best Damn sports show? if so, you can see her on the news everyday!
Quote:i'm stupid
it's the snow ;-)

More Hells Angels news:
they asked to be trained in geurilla tactics & sent to Vietnam

one, slapped his wife, got bit by his dog, kicked the dog & then beat up Hunter S Thompson
Quote:isn't she the girl on the best Damn sports show?

no, she did the weather for the fox football show with Howie Long, Terry Bradshaw, James Brown, and Jerry Jones.
thats her...she was a "sideline reporter" too, in the warm weather places...
I'm back from lunch....anyone miss me?
yeah, everyone left Undecided
:lookatme: I'm here if anyone cares Undecided
I went to the Italian place where the cute boy works, its a long walk. Oh, and I think he knows I think he's cute, he keeps winking at me...and like a dork I look at the floor. Rolleyes
well, that's complicated .... if you want him to notice you know he know you know he knows, smile back

but you've got a guy right? then you might not want to bother

or you could just enjoy the pretty view that is the Itailan meat boy & smile back :loveya: :-D
Yea, I got a its purely an eye candy issue, but its funny how silly I get when he winks at me...I think I turn redder than a tomato.

:bouncer: I'm going to Florida for the weekend in March to see Counting Crows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :loveya:
ok, you have a mission
next time you go there, no blushing, so looking down, smile at said cutie & write about it

treat it like an assingment :rofl:
LOL I get all stupid with boys I think are cute for some reason. I either get really quiet or I say something REALLY stupid. I don't know why I'm such a dork, but we eat there every Friday, so I'll follow my mission! :bouncer:
no no, speaking is a whole nother thing :rofl:
we'll have to ask around

yoooo hooooo what should Polly say?

:burnfucker: usable responses only ;-)
unzip those pants right now, Mister.
He is so rude to my friends too its funny. He's like $9, and tosses them their change, but he's always like "hey how you doing, thanks, have a good weekend to me" and I'm like ummm "you too" :disappointed: Its amazing I even have a dude considering what a muffin head I am.
49? ooooh yeah :loveya: :lol:
LMAO, it says nine dollars, doesn't it? He's no more than like 28ish or so.
ask him what his name is
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