Full Version: You comin to hell? - We Can BBQ
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Quote:You never proved your original point

I believe I did with my lyrics, you just choose to read them with your own interpretation which is your right, lyrics are what you make them. You still quoted the wrong passage.

Now have fun in your heaven, no one wants you anyway.

I said that two pages ago, you'd just ruin the party with your negi attitude.
Quote:on the contrary my friend, I believe heaven is Hell by religious definitions and that Hell is actually heaven.

Your idea of what Heaven is still comes from religion though

Quote:YOU are the one defining them by organized religious definitions cause you said:

Not really, I've come to my own conclusions, it's also why I believe all organised religions to be a crock of shit. But since my opinion is different than yours, I'm obviously wrong.
i don't know but your definition of Hell sounds like heaven to me!
gonzo, why do you think Hell is going to be a party and not torture?
Quote:For her lust
She'll burn in Hell
Her soul done medium well
All through mass manual stimulation
Quote:I believe I did with my lyrics

No you didn't, you proved that he thinks he's going to Hell, not that he wants to go.
Gomez why are you replying to what I quoted Keyser on, it's not all about you. I was talking to keyser, go prep your suit for heaven, keep it up and i may speed up your departure.
Quote:Once upon a long time ago lived a humble puppet maker
His son lost and died
Blamed himself as he tried
To sell his soul ever after

I have the power if you have the nerve
You will be mine
My request you will serve
A flash of his tail and a spread of his wings
I hold the power
The devil did sing

Signed in blood along a dotted line
By the silence
Here's the soul of your boy
As I promised, in this toy
Pull his strings and hear my laughter
but see, by rejecting the very religious definition of heaven you are in a way accepting it to be truth and exist, which means you would have to accept the religious definition of Hell and the torture you would endure from it.

you can't have one and not the other.
great now this is a music thread, games over.
Quote:Gomez why are you replying to what I quoted Keyser on

I was arguing the same point that he was

You're not right, but neither are we, none of us can clearly define what heaven and Hell is, because we don't know that either of them acctually exist.
In all honesty I hope but I really don't think anything happens but going to sleep forever. I don't fear it cause I will not realize it when it happens. Once I am dead I won't be able to worry, the thought of non-existence if frightening while you do exist but once it does happen you won't know.

I just wanted to have some fun in the hyprocrasy of life, till gomez comes in and as usual acts negi and rides other peoples arguments, hope you have fun in your little heaven.
Too bad Gomez doesn't have a sense of humor, this coulda been a fun thread :lol:
I was arguing it before Keyser

and god forbid we take a discussion seriously for once, you complain that there are no serious threads, but when one is serious you complain too, what do you even want?
waaaaaa waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa

I'm a little angel going to heaven.
this was obviously not a serious thread though
anyone wanna have a BBQ?

BBQ at goatweeds house.

We can mail gomez a steak.
:lookatme: i'll bring noodle salad
I'll bet when they have sex in heaven they don't ram it in her ass when she's not ready for it. Now how can that be fun? Heaven sux.
I can smell BBQ chicken wings now....
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