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Smackdown: shut your mouth.

I played THPS4 for two weeks and that was the only game I played those 2 weeks.

I wanna give Metal Gear Solid 2 a try.
tony hawk is definately a binge game. you'll find yourself doing 100 goals at a time. i haven't played in a month or two, but when i go back, it will be the only thing i play.
Quote:... It's all aboot Madden 94..... nothing beats it...
nhl 94 is better
you can make gretzky's head bleed
Thanx for the tip May May....
Quote:I wanna give Metal Gear Solid 2 a try

Cool game. Very strange but nice twists in the story line.

I'm attempting to play Neverwinter Nights. I never played D&D games before so I have a ton of info to absorb before it gets interesting. The game itself is very similar to Diablo 2X but with much better graphics.
I find Bounty Hunyer frustrating. How am I supposed to handle being in a firefight with 10 people, but having to switch to the helmet view to see if one of them may be a bounty? Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Going back to The Getaway. I'm now up to the cop's perspective. Excellent game and I love the fact that there are no overlays, no health meter, no ammo meter, etc. You have to lean against a wall for a time in a secluded area to heal and tell which way you're supposed to go in the city by the the direction your vehicle's blinker indicates.
I had the same problem with Bounty Hunter Danked. They should have a programmable button for the helmet view. It's a pain in the balls to check people and have to shoot others. I got to the Prison mission and couldn't get out of the riot. It's a hard fucking game. Renting that just wasn't long enough to play it, I may have to buy it. But it's a GREAT fucking game. I really dug it. SUPER hard and lots of fun.
I just rented Star Wars Rogue Leader: Squadron II and I'm finding it hard. Hopefully the learning curve will go up after playing it for a bit.

My brother got this card with his Direct TV that gives him 1 free game a week. And you can use it once for as many accounts as you have. So he uses his, and I use mine, so we get 2 games a week. :thumbs-up:
I beat The Getaway already after about 20 hours of gameplay. Now I'm bored. Undecided
wow, no shit? It was that easy? Definately a rental for me.
That's lame. My brother bought that and he's almost done with it too.
unreal championship
mech assault
segasports nhl2k3
ea sports nhl 2003


i am looking foward to the release of auto modellista for the ps2 and return to castle wolfenstein for the xbox
Quote:castle wolfenstein for the xbox

the PC version is better, and there's a new expansion pack coming out shorty (PC only).
Quote:the PC version is better
DUH!!! obviously but the ps2 and xbox versions are gonna be sick!
metal gear solid 2 substance is coming out for ps2 for all of you people who can't get enough of it. but i'd have to put my money on splinter cell for #1 espionage game this year which was recently ported onto ps2. max payne is still alive and kicking, if you have the pc version you can download mods so that you can use kung-fu or make it even more like the matrix complete with the lobby shootout scene.
Never even occured to be to look for Max Payne mods seeing as how I bought it and finished it in a weekend. Forgot I even had it. Know where I can find these mods?
i can't find an english site for the "true matrix mod", if you have time look for it, its sweet. you can reinact the lobby shootout and you dodge bullets like neo. (you know, when you lean back and fling your arms around all silly like)
... pssssft... I can do that shit in real life...
it's true - I've seen it! Better than Neo, even.
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