He told me not to tell you, but that he'd sell you one for $110. :39:
Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament 2003, Splinter Cell, Line of Sight - Vietnam all on PC
1.) what and where is this offer?
2.) a few kids and many reviews say the new zelda is great. and super monkey ball 2 is cheap and fun. there are also a crap load of games that are $30 and under cause no one buys them, ewven though they are great.
P.S. i have been playing World Series Baseball 2K3 the past few days. its quite good. the gameplay is great as well as the graphics and presentation, but i have 2 problems with it.
1)The framerate occasionally sucks but it doesnt take away from the game. and,
2)the animation when the player throws his bat away after a homerun is retarded looking....its comical actually.
Overall...this is definately the best baseball sim for this generation of systems. only very good baseball sim since the all star baseballs on N64
Quote:He told me not to tell you, but that he'd sell you one for $110
is he still mad that I beat him at NTN that night? :lol:
im back on the starcraft wagon, and quake 3 ...classic...ive also moved back to the old school nintendo tecmo bowl...greatest football game ever.... :5:
i started playing brett hull hockey and brett hull 95 on my SNES again.
I don't have time for games anymore. :24:
i was tempted to rent it...but i didn't bother.
well....how is it gomer?
I like it, good wrestling game with an interesting storyline plus some awesome tunes (if you like rap that is)
meh...i 'll skip it
i haven't been into wrestling since the early 80s
the tunes i can get into....the game probably not.
I've been looking to rent Vendetta for a couple of weeks but the fucking blockbuster is always out.
Unreal T and C, Morrowind, Blood Omen 2, Halo, Mech Assault. An online RPG that I'm also making a world for. I have been tinkering with an RPG toolkit. And lets see RTCW. :39:
been playin America's Army alot recently...
Quote:And lets see RTCW
the PC version? You play online baker? If so, what server(s)?
No havent played online yet not sure how plus I just got it and still tinkering with it.
The Gamecube just arrived. So we rented Windwaker and found Metroid for $20. Just hooked it up and Weird's playing Zelda.