Quote:you're all forgetting the most important. COMMON!! COMMON SENSE! that's my favorite since only a select few have this sense, including me. The other people that don't have, well, sucks to be you.
I think Buttmunch beat you to it. :poke:
Quote:What about in-cense?
Sage.....oh yeah. :thumbs-up:
apprently I bought patchoulli incense, wasn't bad actually
they are all kind of the same anyway
Quote:apprently I bought patchoulli incense, wasn't bad actually
they are all kind of the same anyway
i'm gagging at the thought of it. :crackhead:
i dunno i just don't like the smell of that stuff.
and i don't really have a favorite sense....they all kind of work in a cooperative fashion so it's tought to say
I kinda like non-sense as well :thumbs-up:
non-sense is always good!
good one metal! :toast:
for all you smell lovers.
Try to imagine which sense you couldn't live without.
Try living without sight or sound.
The best incense is Nag Champa. Any other kind of incense is sickening.
And I think I'd be worse of if I lost my hearing. Music is very important to me. I wouldn't need to see anything ever again as long as I could have someone describe it to me, but I couldn't live without music or hearing someone's voice. The worst sound in the world is total silence.
I'd be torn between the two, its impossible to choose.
Life without hearing another song or person speak.
life without basically seeing anything, when you go out, no driving, not being able to fully know what new people you meet look like. Not being able to see new things.. no TV or Movies...

hudders: and I really did just shudder.
With all the police-mens outside my building it kind of makes me nervous.
There's no police outside.
Oh, yes, Humor is a good one too Gonzo.
i was going to say touch cause then it would feel like someone else was jerking me off and then i wondered if touch included the feeling in my cock and i got confused cause then it would be like touching someone elses cock and i dont want that.
Quote:Oh, yes, Humor is a good one too Gonzo.
I was thinking just that as I opened this thread to read your latest reply.
there were a bunch of cops outside my building too, but it looked like they were just meeting up and not there for anything having to do with my building.
Spider-sense would be fuckin cool.
A sense of purpose would be nice.