Full Version: Dude, you are getting arrested - Sorry thought this was funny
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Dell guy arrested.

:rofl: :damnpc: :fuggin:
That's funny as Hell...the next guy I want to see busted is that guy on the screen savers who did the parodiy on the Mac commercial...I forgot his name...but he's definatly a stoner..
How come you apologize everytime you post?
Quote:the next guy I want to see busted is that guy on the screen savers who did the parodiy on the Mac commercial...I forgot his name...but he's definatly a stoner..
Martin? :thumbs-up:
Yeah I think that's know your stoners Danked...I wonder why... :fuggin: Confusedmokey:
Probably because that Cheech and Chong Santa song was quite popular in my house during Christmases in my youth.
[VADERVOICE]The pot is strong with this one...[/VADERVOICE]