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shame on him :disappointed:
Quote:you have no idea. she is the perfect woman.
Point of order. The perfect woman would not tolerate the likes of you. Therefore, she is flawed. Now quit being a whining fag and go get a cheeseburger.
Arpi is dodging Tricia and is deathly afraid of people who shop at organic food stores

That about summarizes it
Is she one of these pasty moles he mentioned? That was the point that confused me.
Quote:deathly afraid of people who shop at organic food stores
it wasnt an organic food store. reading comprehension is at an all time low on this board.

Quote:Point of order. The perfect woman would not tolerate the likes of you. Therefore, she is flawed. Now quit being a whining fag and go get a cheeseburger.
i ended my battle with you so i will ignore this.
Perhaps my flunkie can also shed light on this Garth issue that has perplexed me so.
like a dog with a bone. :disappointed:
Quote:it wasnt an organic food store. reading comprehension is at an all time low on this board.

It was a warehouse with pasty mole people, since Tricia said she saw you duck in there, I assumed the organic food store she was talking about and the place you ducked in to where one and the same

As for the Garth issue, it is best not to dwell on it, I think Arpi wants to forget the whole incident
Quote:i ended my battle with you so i will ignore this.
I was just trying to help. Geeesh!
i'd just like to point out here that arpi is trying to convince you that he was running away from me. i think his memory has switched things around a little, i mean, come on. what would you do if you saw an arpi at the subway station?
Throw coins in his paper cup?
gomez, I am currently Arpi's main antagonizer. please learn your place. kthnx
He's ignoring you, so what good would opposing him do if you're the one doing it?
Quote:what would you do if you saw an arpi at the subway station?
you grabbed my elbow and couldnt stop batting your eyelashes at me. dont act all coy now. it was all i could do to get away. i saw the open store and ran for my life!
cause he's only pretending to ignore me to hide the hurt festering inside of him . duh Rolleyes
Quote:what would you do if you saw an arpi at the subway station?
Push him off the platform?
I'd rip the sombrero off his head and toss it onto the roof off some random building and laugh and laugh and laugh.
i believe you're mistaking my blinking in horror and disbelief for batting of eyelashes...

and it was a ctown that he went into not the organic place...
.... that's a pretty good arm, considering you'd be underground....
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