Full Version: WOO HOO!!!! lets hear it for fog!!!!&#
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you go fog!! you go fog!!
girlfriend's flight cancelled due to fog. not back until tomorrow!!!!!!

ahhhhh! computer bliss!
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
:thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
congrats! :thumbs-up:
You better get back to cleaning
you and suicide boy have become the same person
Chop Chop, that dirt won't clean itself
But what are you going to do for food?
i didnt think of that...............i am so hungry and i have reached my take-out grease limit. :-(
There has to be something quasi healthy you can order...what about like Middle Eastern stuff, etc?
there is nothing healthy to order around here. its all diner, chinese, pizza, and mexican. believe me, i have eaten them all.
so hungry!
no reeses pieces?
that joke courtesy of 2001
Go to a store and buy something

Or have them deliver, that way you don't even have to leave the house
Order something that will make you sick, and then give your girlfriend the guilt trip about your stomach problems.
there are stores to buy food in? what are these stores called? i always just thought that my girlfriend knew where the button was to operate the magic cabinets.
Grocery Stores

I bet they have pickeled onions too
while the thought of pickled onions is tempting i dont think i want to go to this place you call grocery store. sounds scary. i wouldnt even know where to find one anyway.
You could order just plain rice from the chinese place

That's not greasy
i am so sick of rice,anything else chinese,pizza, and mexican. i want home cooking and a linen napkin and my juice the way she adds a little seltzer so that its fizzy and tickles my mouth. :-D
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