I always hated that fat douche bag who lives up stairs but now I have an even better reason to want to go upstairs and stab him wioth a pencil. Yesterday afternoon, I was going into the kitchen to get a beer and for some odd reason, it is raining in there. Water is just pouring through the whole cieling. It seems the fat bastard has an illegal washing machine and it had a loose hose. So, I call the landlord after puff'n'stuff didn't answer his door and while speaking with my dago landlord, boom, the cieling comes down. Now I am the proud renter of a kitchen with a 5 foot gaping hole in it's cieling! I am fighting back the urge to go up stairs and beating this ass fucker over the head with a burning iron!
dude, i would have gone upstairs and and beat him about the head unmercifully with a 2X4 leaving him very injured!
LZMF1 Wrote:dude, i would have gone upstairs and and beat him about the head unmercifully with a 2X4 leaving him very injured!
The fucker wouldn't answer his door. He is just a worthless shit. I can hear the mamoth walking above me, he is as nimble as an elephant in a tutu.
Edited By Sean Cold on Feb. 20 2002 at 1:21
here's an idea.
stop by mcdonald's and get a big mac. remove the beef pattie and proceed to shit on the bun. wrap the puppy back up and leave it by his door and ring the doorbell.
the look of horror and disgust on someone's face when they realized they just opened a shitburger---> always funny
Edited By LZMF1 on Feb. 20 2002 at 1:55
Why do you need to knock on his door? Don't you now have a 5 foot portal into your shithead neighbor's apartment now? Grab a ladder and bitch away.
Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 20 2002 at 12:03
i want to know why you want to nibble your neighbor
maybe he wants to nibble on his nimble little toes
sorry sean cold, i had to say it.
Edited By LZMF1 on Feb. 20 2002 at 12:51
He gave you a shower, so why don't you give him one back..hook a hose to your kitchen sink and fire away..you have the hole right there..might as well have some fun with it.
Quote:So, I call the landlord after puff'n'stuff didn't answer his door and while speaking with my dago landlord, boom, the cieling comes down.
My god man, the BAR!
What happened to the BAR!!!!!!!!!
<font color=white>(Oh, and the cookbooks under the bar. Feggit! lol)</font>
See what I meant about this guy being retarded?
Danked Wrote:See what I meant about this guy being retarded?
you are quite the witty one aren't you?
lemme guess your reply will be "you are quite the retarded one aren't you?"
hardee har har har!!!!
Am I as funny as a shit burger? Because God knows those are always funny. Here I was still leaving flaming bags of dogshit on my neighbor's porch....
Danked Wrote:Heh.
Am I as funny as a shit burger? Because God knows those are always funny. Here I was still leaving flaming bags of dogshit on my neighbor's porch....
i said witty, not funny. there is a difference. but.... oh yeah. i'm the retarded one.
Buttmunch Wrote:My god man, the BAR! THE BAR!!!
What happened to the BAR!!!!!!!!!
Quote:Now I am the proud renter of a kitchen with a 5 foot gaping hole in it's cieling
hey me too. except mine's not in the kitchen.
just crawl through the hole and ---> :punch:
Ok, day three and I still have a gaping hole in my fuckin cieling. What is this happy horseshit? And, the smell of mildew is not that pleasent really. Fuckin landlord! :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
day 3? pft, fukin amateur. i've had my hole since thanksgiving

crx girl Wrote:day 3? pft, fukin amateur. i've had my hole since thanksgiving