Full Version: Have you bought your plastic sheets and duct tape? - Are you ready?
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Wow, in OAS' world he's plugged into all government agencies and knows more about current events than everyone on the planet.

George Clooney should make a movie about him.
Who's he gonna get to play him?
Well, Randy West of course.
I woulda picked that old porn guy who looks like a thin version of george the animal steele.
In all seriousness, there's nothing in the stores that are going to protect us in the event of an attack....if I'm going to go, I just hope its fast...
they mentioned that plastci sheet thing on the radio today, and the guy had 4 gas masks at his house :crackhead:

I hope this turns out to something we can laugh at, like the duck & cover in the 50's
There's this store by my school called Safer America that sells all kinds of equipment to use in the event of a terrorist attack, and its SO expensive that the average person can't afford it. In fact, the only thing in the store that most of us could afford is these pills that are allegedly supposed to keep you from getting cancer in the event of a nuclear attack....
I heard about the duct tape and plastic today on the radio. How will that protect me in the event of chemical or biological warfare? Seems pretty inadequate.

Quote:the only thing in the store that most of us could afford is these pills that are allegedly supposed to keep you from getting cancer in the event of a nuclear attack....
If you live or work within 10 miles of a nuke plant, you can get them for free. I have them because I'm about 1-1/2 miles from Oyster Creek. Of course, I probably won't have the time to take them in the event something really does happen.
cyanide ?
haha. potassium iodide (I think, or something like that) -- cyanide would probably be more practical.
Iodine pills. Cyanide is for cults, terrorists or spooks.
Yea Sweet, that's it...for $14 you can get a whole bottle!

Something happens, I'm grabbing a bottle of pills, a bottle of booze and going to sleep.
svae your money and buy some hookers, porn, drugs, alcohol whatever brings you pleasure.

Live life to the fullest instead of in fear.
See, I can do pills were free. Yay for me. Hookers, porn, drugs and alcohol, here I come.
If I die, I hope someone's around to tell my boyfriend :lol:
I'll tell him. I have my potassium pill to keep me safe.
The sky is falling!!!
Whatever happens all I know is that many people will die....:lol:
and we can wrap the bodies in the plastic & tape :thumbs-up:
yeah and, we can beat the ones that are nearly dead with all of the canned goods they stocked up on in preparation...
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