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Game Over.
I thought that they packed it in a long time ago until I recently saw a PC game with the Atari logo on it.

I guess this means my 2600 just shot up in nostalgia-value - EBay, here I come!
My favorite game was Kaboom, with the special circular controller.
kaboom was made by activision. it was playable on the atari 2600

holy fuck!!!! i sound like magus!

anyway....that truly sux!
Quote:holy fuck!!!! i sound like magus!
And this is bad because??????
how about Frogger, that game rocked. What was that game where you swung by a rope to get past alligators, looked like you were in a jungle?
Pitfall so rocked. I spent hours playing that game. I never had to purchase an Atari game, my neighbor had a huge collection and I would just borrow them whenever I wanted them.
I'm seriously glad i stocked up on that system. I have about 3 of them laying around. :thumbs-up:
i don't see how atari folding would make a difference, its not like they were making 2600's anymore anyhow. how would the company folding increase the price of an already discontinued system?
Isn't that how it always is? For example, when an artist dies does his work not increase in value?
apples and oranges.

if i follow your logic, the artist died when the 2600 was discontinued and stopped being manufactured. any markup now would depend on the number in circulation. supply and demand.

if anything, they will go up in value over the fact that Atari's name is back in the news. more exposure will bring more demand.
Fine, fine. you win. Want to buy an Atari for $1000? Rolleyes
i can get one on eBay right now for $40
... I bought a 2600 with like 20 games, paddle controls, sweet joysticks, and the plastic entertainment center..... all for 25 cents....
Quote:And this is bad because??????
you seem to really know your shit when it comes to console gaming.....that's all ;-)
Magoo Lives!!
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