I'm just sick of dealing with idiots. Natural selection should have disposed of these people long ago. I can't understand how any adult can get by with less knowledge than I had in the first grade, with no common sense, without any capacity for logic and reason...it's sickening to me. How can anyone be blessed with a tool as strong as the human brain, and not make use of it? And why do people not only think of it as a burden, but as some form of crime, to actually use that brain?
Or am I wrong?
Society has been going thru a dumbing down phase on purpose.
It is to weaken the natural order of things. Allowing otherwise useless people to feel important.
While doing nothing, except drive us deeper into slavery.
It's also called the NEW WORLD ORDER!
So is democracy ideal when the majority are brainless?
i think the problem is to many people use logic and not reasoning. its become a mechanical society where if something happens -> this must be done, like a computer. that logic works when all the truths surrounding it are actually true. but since nothing in life ever works out perfectly people can't adjust, exposing the fact they never learned to think for themselves and work stuff out. to much in our society is based on logic with no room for reasoning.
i think you're giving people too much credit hedcold. i think people have just become too lazy to use any kind thought process, logical or otherwise. we just have to get used to the fact that the majority of the population just don't possess any common sense.
i probably am, but i aslo think theres a big gap between logic and common sense.
Quote:LOGIC, n.
The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding. The basic of logic is the syllogism, consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion -- thus:
Major Premise: Sixty men can do a piece of work sixty times as quickly as one man.
Minor Premise: One man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds; therefore --
Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a posthole in one second.
This may be called the syllogism arithmetical, in which, by combining logic and mathematics, we obtain a double certainty and are twice blessed.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alcyone.com/max/lit/devils/l.html">http://www.alcyone.com/max/lit/devils/l.html</a><!-- m -->
but all this doesn't matter when people have trouble figuring out the 60x thing
Edited By HedCold on 1045217299
The problem is that everything is over simplfied today. We are dumbing things down to the point where people don't have to think in order to get through the daily ho hum of life.
Things like the electric toothbrush or electric can opener. Instructions on condom boxes, when you need written instruction and diagrams on how to put on a condom, seriously just choke on it.
The internet is much to blame as well. It has gotten to where you can live life without leaving your computer, it's even worse with people who work from home on the web. Think of it, you don't have to go shopping, you don't have to go out and make friends, you don't have to go and buy music or movies, don't have to go out for porn. Everything a person can possible need is on the world wide web, if it's not you can pick up the phone and get it.
The majority of people don't use this as a learning tool but as a form of communication and entertainment. So when you spend and ungodly amount of time on the web, then go to school/work, sleep, who has time to actually read a book?
People feel that knowlege is not needed in todays world, you can look up a couple of factoids or spout off something you heard on the news and get by on it in social surroundings. I couldn't possibly fathom living life without atleast common sense.
I was watching some show today and this reporter asks a lady
"How many vertical stripes are on the american flag."
Ok trick question there are none, cause the stripes are horizontal, I can excuse that.
but she answered 3. I mean come on, you don't even know the number of stripes? Atleast get in the ballpark, say 10 or 12, haven't you seen a flag?
The next person who tries to convince me that puerto rico is a state, I will kill them.
The worst to me are the people who know nothing, yet act as if they do. They'll spout off some facts they heard or take the opinion of some news reporter as their own. Yet when you ask them something about their statement they can't illuminate upon it since it's not their own opinion.
Or people who get all their facts mixed up and end up sounding like bluto describing how the germans bombed pearl harbor.
I can atleast respect the people who will admit they don't know shit, atleast they are honest.
This goes back to my thread several months ago about the kids today being taught to use a calculator for simple math problems, rather than figuring it out with pencil and paper.
i just found the Stoner Forum

GW........did you get your hugs?
This whole thing with the plastic and duct tape has gone too far.
At work today I had to listen to all these old fuckin jews talk about how they've stocked up on it. I even had one go too far. When I told her, her tapes are due back this sunday, she says "That's if war doesn't start and it's safe to walk the streets"
I laughed at her and then she gets all serious "This is something that your company should address to all its customers. If war breaks out do we have to return our movies?"
Look if you are sooooo concerned, don't fuckin rent movies and lock yourself up with your canned soups and bottled waters, wrap yourself up in packaging goods like a UPS shipment, fuck it just wrap and extra layer of bubble wrap around yourself.
Yeah cause we have to now say "Your movies are due back sunday, unless nuclear holocaust breaks out, then you get an extention".
Quote:I laughed at her and then she gets all serious "This is something that your company should address to all its customers. If war breaks out do we have to return our movies?"
you seriously should have punched her in the kidney because that is one of the most retarded things i have ever heard in my life. i am really irritated that this thought would cross anyone's mind and then they'd think it was so profound that they would share it with others.
The duct tape and plastic thing was what prompted me to start this thread. That, and I just have had a rough week where it seems like everyone I came in contact with left their brain at home, if they ever had one...but turning on the news and seeing a reporter in Home Depot interviewing these morons buying their duct tape, proud of their preparation in the event of biological holocaust, I felt like driving down to Home Depot and waiting by the duct tape and personally smacking each and every one of them in the face. I'd think that even the stupidest of the stupid would realize that duct tape ain't gonna help you if a fucking deadly virus is released into the air, or an atomic bomb is deployed or whatever the scare tactic du jour is today.
Now not expecting to return videos in the event of nuclear holocaust, that might just about be the stupidest woman alive. I hope she got run over by a car on her way home.
Common sense is a trait lost on most of the humans in this world....Especially in NYC. I invite you to come to work with me some time and listen to some of the genetic insufficients I have to deal with.(Not including some of my co-workers) You'd either die laughing or bemoan the stupidity of people.
I can only imagine the calls that come into the FDNY. If I'm hearing about lost records due to terrorist hackers, if Gonzo's hearing about terrorists preventing an old bitch from returning her tapes, Damn...are terrorists running people's cats up trees? ;-)
I'm more angry about the fact that you can't legally kill a stupid person for sport... less that they exist in the first place.
Thomas Jefferson (alllegedly...) said "the masses are asses," and the founding fathers set up the electoral college to prevent an uneducated, rural america from electing an unsuitable president. So, we have always been forced to "dumb down" for the general population.
I have no problem with stupid people when they accept it, or try and improve themselves. I hate it when they masquarade behind a working knowledge of the english language and a few tired stereotypes and PRETEND that they know the deal. I'll trust a streetwise, undereducated thinker over an Ivy League legacy poseur any day of the week.
Quote:I'll trust a streetwise, undereducated thinker over an Ivy League legacy poseur any day of the week.
That is so fuckin true. I'll take anyone with street smarts over someone with bullshit book smarts, see who gets through life. You can have all the text knowlege in the world but it won't help you in the real world. Now someone has a bit of both is best off.
I can't help but think I'm being described to a tee in this thread