soooooo fuckin weak, so painful to watch.
The last 15 minutes with the JR stuff was just pathetic. They just coasted through the show cause they know people are on the edge waitin for austin to come back, so they were gonna watch to the last second. So pathetic, except for booker pinning HHH.
wow, what a compete waste of time. King, Jr, Bischoff doing karate? Oy Vey, just end the show at 10:30 rather then waste our time.

Cause JR would get back up after having a slab of concrete broken over his skull.
I thought it was a pretty good Raw until the last 15 minutes. What a fucking way to go off the air. With Bischoff and JR as the main event and Austin appearing off camera on Raw last week, you had to expect Austin to show up. All during the beat down, I was going where is the glass breaking. After Lawler came out and got his ass beat, I'm going here it comes, Austin is going to come down stunner everyone, end the show on a high note. What a crock of shit. The Jericho and Christian vs Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy was good and HHH and Batista vs Steiner and Booker was good. I am guessing if they can't get Goldberg or Sting it will be Booker vs HHH at Wrestlemania.
Also good and classy tribute to Mr. Perfect.
Randy Orton stole my gimmick dammit (the most electrifying man in sports entertainment) :banana:
A pretty good show to one of the worst endings ever.
Edited By Teenweek on 1045570390
Quote:I thought it was a pretty good Raw until the last 15 minutes.
:disappointed: You would.
i did not say a great raw, just a pretty good raw. what was wrong with it. I also liked jericho's tribute to mr. perfect with the swatting away of his gum. The video tribute was great. The other tag matches were pretty good. What was so bad?
I just finished watching it on tape. Well i should say fast forwarding through it. I too was waiting for the glass to break after King took his beating. Majority of the matches were garbage. Best part was HBK superkicking the chair into Jericho's face. I'm also sick of hearing about goldust's "problems".
Austin wasn't even at the arena that day.