I think Bischoff will try to reason with Austin, maybe get him to sign a Raw contract. Austin signs, stuns him, gets the quick pin and drinks a few cans of O'Doul's.
![[Image: 02.jpg]](http://www.wwenowayout.com/images/02.jpg)
This is the match that if the WWE can sign Goldberg is where he will show up. If he does, look for him to spear Rock and than Jackhammer him giving Hogan the pin for the win. If he does not, than I think Rock will turn full heel and get disqualified by beating Hogan to a pulp with a chair and leaving him in his blood left in the ring.
![[Image: 03.jpg]](http://www.wwenowayout.com/images/03.jpg)
This match will be better than the Royal Rumble one but probably not that much better. I think Rhyno returns here to join HHH's Evolution group. He gores Steiner for the HHH win setting up a feud between Rhyno and Scott Steiner. They both destroy Steiner after the match with Batista and Orton as well. I could than see Booker T coming to help out Steiner with Booker and HHH at Wrestlemania.
![[Image: al.gif]](http://www.wwenowayout.com/images/al.gif)
In the match of the night and should be another classic. I predict Team Angle comes out on top with help from Paul Heyman.
![[Image: 04.jpg]](http://www.wwenowayout.com/images/04.jpg)
I think HBK interferes giving Test the victory adding more interest to the HBK vs Y2J match at Wrestlemania.
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show
Either a Dq or a countout vicotry by the Undertaker to keep this feud going a little while longer.
WWE Cruiserweight Title Match
Kidman vs. Matt Hardy
-Matt hardy version 1 will make weight and become your new Cruiserweight champion.
World Tag Team Titles Match
Lance Storm & William Regal vs. Kane & RVD
-Either Kane and RVD win the belts or RVD turns heel and Storm and Regal keep them setting up RVD vs Kane at Wrestlemania. I say they stay together and get the belts.
Edited By Teenweek on 1045572169
I like the little images, so professional.
I think the austin match goes like you said or bischoff brings in some interference, whether a present star or a new one.
My thoughts are that WWE should hire better graphic artists
The Austin Bishoff one is up in the air since Goldberg won't agree to WWE terms, and word is that with Goldberg not signing Austin will face Rock, so they'll have to find a way to either get Rock on Raw or Austin on Smackdown
Promote it as a cross promotion matchup.
I predict that the PPV is going to have some very good segments but that the others will drag the PPV as a whole down to mediocrity.
I don't see how or why they do austin vs rock, for a third time at WM. I think it's just a rumor taken from people who assume things since even austin isn't sure what he's gonna be doing or what his role will be. He wasn't sure on his in-ring role yet, why else would they throw him in bitchoff?
Speculation is all it is at this point, I think we'll have a better grasp after the PPV see who they bring in.
Rock vs Austin was the backup plan to Rock vs Goldberg. If they did not face each other who would they face. Maybe Austin vs HHH as they have a long history but it looks like Booker T might get that match. Rock vs Undertaker or Rock vs Benoit are maybes. I think they would make it Raw vs Smacdown so this way there 2 biggest draws ,Rock and Austin can be on both shows.
by Dave Scherer Updated: 2/18/2003 10:35:41 AM
Test and Stacy Keibler were not at Raw last night due to the blizzard that hit the east coast over the last few days, which snowed them in their Baltimore, MD home. By Sunday the storm, which dumped more than a foot of snow on many areas, shut down airports up and down the eastern seaboard. From what I was told, there is heat on the pair from the WWE office due to the fact that they didn't get out of town sooner. The feeling is that since the blizzard was forecasted days in advance, they should have left for Columbus, OH on Saturday, before the snow hit. Due to them not being there, Test's match with Chris Jericho was not mentioned on Raw last night and as it stands right now, will not take place on the PPV. The timing was even worse when you consider that the WWE wrestlers that were on the road have battled horrible weather conditions all weekend but still made their shots.
SO no Booker T, CHris Jericho, Dudley Boyz, Christian, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, or Test match at the PPV. I am sure they will come up with something. Maybe a rematch of Hardy and Michaels vs Christian and Jericho.
I must drive to Baltimore and save Stacy
She wouldn't spit on you if your were burning, they'd just warm themselves over your charred remains.
I kill kick Test in his testicles and run off with his woman
I bet she could kick your ass.
Chloroform will solve all problems
she'd have you in an arm bar before you got your hand halfway around.
Stacy couldn't apply an arm bar to a fly
you underestimate her, she'll snap your forearm like a breadstick.
So uhm, anyone got directions?
make a left at albequirky bugs.
It is looking real good according to the wrestling websites that the WWE will reach an agreement with Goldberg for tomorrow night.