Full Version: I'm touching my penis right now
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I don't want to have to clean that up. Damn dude. :disappointed:
Video tape it, make a new sig.
I said no video cameras.
You gettin snippy with me bitch?
Don't talk back to me mother fucker.
Oh you wanna put your hands up on me?

I don't know how to dance. :-(
I meant throw down punk, bust the first move and lets get it on.
Who you callin punk? I ain't no punk.
Prag, i'll bitchslap you back to arfica.
You aint gonna bitch slap nobody. You're all talk... pft.
pretty tough talk for a guy who has a month to live now.
THE WAR STARTED? :disappointed:
When I say hussein you say gonzo.
Fucking Hitler Wannabe
Bringin the massive beatdowns to a town near you.
[Image: eek3.gif]
That has to be the most emotionally conflicted smilie ever.
It's how I feel during the course of a night out with danked, when he threatens me with vermont.
It's always a possibility, but everyone advises me against it. You're the only one threatening to kill me over it and I must admit, your argument is quite convincing.
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