Full Version: CDIH Skin Contest - Final Poll
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Still 2 seconds longer than Jack can do it! :angry:
i voted let it ride style
Quote:If I had been your sex counselor I would have taught you that sniffing armpits is disgusting
I don't do that (often)

I lick their face
she voted for me :loveya:
Tick tock tick tock...
<---still hasn't voted :fuggin: (©FNMoron 2003)
vote for me moron!
What makes you think he's not going to vote for himself?
Or even worse

He might have already voted and is just toying with you
Quote:she voted for me

you suck at this
<---still hasn't voted (©FNMoron 2003)

Edited By Weird NJ on 1045886584
Keyser, this votes for you. :thumbs-up:
Too bad

I win :banana:

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