Ever had sex so good for the girl that she doesn't think she can go again?? Like totally worn out?? THAT my friends is the kinda sex you should strive to have.
you keep strivin, if you can't get yours while I am gettin mine, you're fresh outta fuckin luck. Everyone for themselves.
Quote:Ever had sex so good for the girl that she doesn't think she can go again??
yes, during it :loveya:
oh, yeah, but most of the time I just make change after sex
Quote:Ever had sex so good for the girl that she doesn't think she can go again?? Like totally worn out?? THAT my friends is the kinda sex you should strive to have.
why do you think i just roll over & lie there. sometimes i can't even expend the energy to roll over.
depending on the woman
i enjoy cuddling to a max
atleast until my arm that is behind her head goez numb
i like when a woman layz her head on my chest and throwz her arm over you
juzt a feeling that they feel secure
which in turn does a lil something for me
I like spooning after sex...but it def has to be after that initial cool down period...cause you don't want to be all hot and sticky and tryin to get your nap on...also the head on chest thing is nice but hard to do when you're in a skinny bed like the ones we've got here in school...
Quote:Ever had sex so good for the girl that she doesn't think she can go again??
Again? What do you mean "again"? :crackhead:
I liked when my ex was riding me and she squirted on me and I would rub it into my stomach. Then we'd spoon naked.
Quote:i like when a woman layz her head on my chest and throwz her arm over you
juzt a feeling that they feel secure
which in turn does a lil something for me
:loveya: :loveya:
dgw is my new favorite
Quote:dgw is my new favorite
see that GW?.....kidndred has never even seen you and she's diggin' you.
Quote:I liked when my ex was riding me and she squirted on me and I would rub it into my stomach. Then we'd spoon naked.
um, ew?
Have another Grolsch there, LZ.
Damn!!!! i must've been a bit tipsy :crackhead:
i'm not a big fan of chicks who are not touchyfeely after sex. after sex touching kind of reminds me that there is more than just appeasing myself. if you want it un-intimate, try masterbation. :moonie:
i like to smoke a cig with her while she lays her head on my chest, and then she accidently drops a hot ash on me and i cry and she holds me.
and then we fuck again.
Quote:Ever had sex so good for the girl that she doesn't think she can go again?? Like totally worn out??
There's nothing worse than a quitter.
Quote:i like to smoke a cig with her while she lays her head on my chest
You move on to the girl next to her and fuck her