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Quote:sick fuck
Maryland water is rotting your brain, move up to the land of the living :poke:
You choose Souza over Marvin Gaye?

And I'm the crazy one?
yes :thumbs-up: you're the whipping boy for today, for being a bible thumper
reeeeeeeally ... you mention G-d every chance you get

that we are sick & depraved & going to Hell

masterbation is bad ....... hmmmm, what else

you're a big ol' bible thumper & you know it
I'll thump you
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahhahaaha that was good, really

1. Prudence
(to discipline oneself with reason, in speech, dress and behavior)

2. Temperance
(moderation in all things, including thoughts, or action)

3. Fortitude
(strength in mind to bear misfortune, to have courage)

4. Justice
(treating fairly, conformity to truth, to uphold what is right)

5. Faith
(complete trust, confidence and reliance)

6. Hope
(to cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment)

7. Love or Charity
(unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of others)

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1045860480

You're mean
(you really are slow) yes, yes I am :banana: thanks for playing
I would like to openly disagree with Sleeper. This is a first.

Seven was a great movie. Definately not Brad Pitt's best role, but that's tough to accomplish. He's the best actor ever. Edward Norton wishes he could be Brad Pitt.

Every movie that Pitt is in, he's by far the best character....with the exception of Seven.

By the way, who has the new double DVD of this? Have you listened to the actors commentary on the DVD? Morgan Freeman just rambles and rambles incoherrently multiple times and babbles about nothing. Plus, he's a queer.
I have 4 copies of Se7en

That commentary would have been so much better if they had gotten all three people together for commentary instead of splicing different ones the way they did.
he thinks chasing amy > seven
i say we beat him
Quote:he thinks chasing amy > seven

You should be violated with a red hot poker
Quote:Every movie that Pitt is in, he's by far the best character....
A River Runs Thru It sucked too, & that one where he seemed to think he was an Indian ... that one was weird

He's much better in off-kilter parts, 12 Monkeys rocked!
Se7en marked the beginning of Pitt's change from pretty boy to great actor
A River Runs Through it was a pretty good movie, and once again, he was BY FAR, the best character in the movie.

Pitt in Kalifornia and True Romance marked his move from prettyboy to badass actor
FYI, Se7en is on tv on Sunday at 8pm and 10pm on TNT.
Pitt is a great actor, Se7en is a great movie, Chasing Amy is good but by no means great, and Lust is by far my favorite sin.
you know what else was a better movie than se7777777en? Undercover Brother, oh and Risky Business, god that movie was great!
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