Full Version: It's Lunch Time - What to have.. What to have..
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Pages: 1 2
I am eating a sesame bagel. Wooooo
Quote:Nothing sounds good for lunch...I'm tired of the same ole thing.
i'll bet that you still haven't tried japanese food yet.

c'mon can do it....if a nervous nelly like pollyannaflowers46 can bring herself to try it and like it you can too! :thumbs-up:
i had some pasta with crappy sauce from a jar. now i'm gonna go put my clothes in the dryer and then i'll have a cuppa tea and a cigarette. i wish the weather would warm up so i can open the windows, it's getting stinky in here :crackhead:'s warm as Hell outside right now! i'm in a t-shirt! and corduroys. :-D
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