Full Version: 25 mil from a dead Kenyan? - STFU already!
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I have never recieved one of those dead african emails. You probably bought a bunch of shit online and your address got sold to a bunch of different sites. Set your email filter to block them - the filters aren't perfect, but they do a decent job. I get nothing but spam on my aol account, but the only spam I get on my email account is RoadRunner monthly specials.
i heard froy sent the kenyan's our email addresses from his database.
Quote:i heard froy <s>sent</s>sold the kenyan's our email addresses from his database.

I bet he charged $20 per name, too.
It has several spinoffs, but it started from Nigeria in the early 90s. They used to use faxes, but moved into the electronic age apparently. The key is getting some greedy sucker to send their bank information, then make a quick withdrawl via wire or check scam.......

I guess it worked at LEAST once!
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