Full Version: joey bigarms is logged in!!
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I work too
Quote:joey bigarms is logged in!!

you did enough to read this thread and post in it. poser.
the same way i slow down to check out a car wreck on the side of the road.
i hate you rubbernecking pricks! always fucking up traffic.
metaphorically speaking, its your fault for starting this wreck
metaphor is not the word you are looking for.
theoretically maybe?
good name for a band
sounds too much like Oasis' first album "Definitely Maybe"
who asked you rubber necker? shouldnt you be slowing things down on route 7 right now?
I think Last Night on Earth is a cool name for a band. In Jersey I saw a sign, March 2, Last Night on Earth and it amused me.
"Last Night on Earth" is my band.

We have a space ship, so any night could be our last on Earth.
what does it cost to insure one of those things?
see Hybrid's cool band names thread, its around here somewhere.
Quote:see Hybrid's cool band names thread, its around here somewhere.
that was my thread you underground poseur.
Sleeper spells poseur better than Arpi
you break edge, i break your face
i miss hybrid :-(
Quote:spells poseur better than Arpi
using the french spelling is for posers.
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