Full Version: FUCK YOU JAY LENO YOU PIECE OF SHIT PUSSY - i hate you, i hate you so much
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you mother fucker
you know what you did!
kimmel > leno
ill bet you 20 bucks that nbc is going to take a lot of shit from gay and lesbian organizations
What happened?
My thread explains the whole thread rules
those 2 chix actually kissed?
that fuckin video puts dirty thoughtz in my head
they always kiss when they perform that song
Quote:email them about the broadcast at

[email protected]

here's what i wrote them, my opinion:

Concerning the February 25th broadcast of the Tonight Show:

The censoring of t.A.T.u's kiss on the Tonight Show was in my opinion, along with the opinion of many others, totally uncalled for. Whoever decided to censor that part of the duo's performance needs to remember a certain individual named, let's see now, I think Elvis was his name? Remember when people decided to tape him from the waist up only? Well this is the same idiotic thing some of the same type of shortsighted individuals decided back then. These are the types of people that would rather not deal with a few complaints rather than have a group showcase their art through their performance-- something I have believed NBC to be better than. It is just plain sad and a step backwards to television's dark age.
Quote:Dear NBC,

I believe The Tonight Show unfairly represented the homosxual community by editing out the t.A.T.u. girl’s kiss. Every t.A.T.u. fan out there knew there was supposed to be a kiss when the camera man focused on the guitarist. This act shows undeniable recess for the progress we have tried to make for ourselves. It is a disappointment that we are still once again considered different and I am ashamed of American TV now for the reason being. NBC is just another factor in why the gy/lezbian community will never be considered NORMAL. I for one will not view anything on NBC again until the time being that you do something about your limited views. It isn’t much but it is my silent argument with your company and a peaceful act of what I believe in. And I do not believe in discrimination or oppression for individuals such as myself and others.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i thought something was odd about the camera focusing on the guitarist
Dear NBC,

I believe The Tonight Show unfairly represented the homosxual community by editing out the t.A.T.u. girl’s kiss. Every t.A.T.u. fan out there knew there was supposed to be a kiss when the camera man focused on the guitarist. This act shows undeniable recess for the progress we have tried to make for ourselves. It is a disappointment that we are still once again considered different and I am ashamed of American TV now for the reason being. NBC is just another factor in why the gy/lezbian community will never be considered NORMAL. I for one will not view anything on NBC again until the time being that you do something about your limited views. It isn’t much but it is my silent argument with your company and a peaceful act of what I believe in. And I do not believe in discrimination or oppression for individuals such as myself and others.


Is this English?

Heather writes like an Indonesian idiot.
Quote:I would like to make a comment on last night's show featuring t.A.T.u. as the performing act.
As fan's of the group and of the show we were very much looking forward to seeing them perform.
I can't tell you how disappointed we were that the Tonight Show would edit out the 'kiss'.
Although it was okay by you to show Arsenio Hall running up and planting one on Jay?
I have since discovered that a representative of the show had talked to the girls before their performance and asked them not to kiss.
This is part of their performance, it is part of that particular song.
My question to you would be this...
If the group members were a male and female performer singing a similar song about wanting to be free to be together..etc... and then kissing during the instrumental section of the song would you have edited that part out too?
I think your answer to that question would have to be no.
By answering no do you realize that this is a blatant act of discrimination?
Do you realize that this is encouraging those who think you should be judged by who you love, encouraging those who commit crimes of hate against those who live their lives differently from themselves.
Something I thought I would never see on the Tonight Show!
NBC , the producers at the Tonight Show and Jay Leno, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
People that watch TV deserve to be fucked with and pissed off.
so you dont like lesbians?
There are links out there to some of their European fan sites where they have pix of these two kissing...sorry I don't have the links to post...pretty me a chubby...
i have links...but i want video.

Download them
i got one from russia where their dance routine involves various sexual positions...its actually pretty silly. and another from italy. seriously...they just have to make a porno or something.
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