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At times, I've had to hold her hands down over her head to keep her from pushing things past kissing. The added tension and anticipation just adds to the fun later.

I could make out for hours. Hell, can't say good night without making out for a half hour in the car. :thumbs-up:
Quote:There is if that's all your doing and she wants more

Good point.
I kissed sleeper for 8 hours last week.
awe :loveya:
i'm jealous Undecided
Sleeper has crazy kissing skills kid, that boy be straight up pimpin. i'm even more jealous :disappointed:
Sleeper's tounge is bigger than his dick and he's packin like a wild stallion.
[Image: drooling3.gif]
it's tongue for cryin out christmas
thanx ms spellcheck Rolleyes
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