Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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I just got home from the vet. They had to muzzle my doggy because she was scared and showing teeth. :-(
:banana: weeeeee.... i win again....
no you don't :twak:
Quote:...what a bunch of losers....

Coming from the man who helps run this little forum, does that mean we've set the bar too high? Confusedmack:
Hey Metal...back off bud...I'm winning here... :poke:
So, how is your team going to do in the tourney.....oh wait, nevermind :rofl:
Baseball is 17 and 2...fuck basketball...
Morning ladies and gents. One more day til Spring!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
One more day till something else too...
War....uh....what is it good for
absolutely nothing...say it again.
Oh yeah. I thought you meant something good -- to look forward to.
come on people....wake up and post....everyone wants to be a winnar
i am sofa king teh winnar!
i win??!!??!!?? :bouncer:
Omigod! It's Becky! :crackhead:
:moonie: u know u missed me SmileSmileSmile
this is post #8888 :banana:
::rubs eyes::

HOLY P00PIES! It's the ~*BECKSTER*~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hidely hodely, its Becky....first Spit today, now Becky? Its fucking alumni week around here :clueless:
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