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pfft.....quiet or its back to the basement with the whole lot of ya
What? Is everybody trying to quit smoking? Nobody told me!!!!
I'm awake now. :banana:
Ladies and gentleman, I reached my 420th post today.
Woooohoooo...Congrats Suzie! :toast:
no, I made it worse, so now I can smoke for a while more ... then quit ... but I'm cutting down, during the week mostly ... the weekends will be a challenge. I'm not real commited, just thought it would be better & maybe I wouldn't chain smoke in front of other people who wanted to quit, ya know.
I've been smoking less lately. Bought 2 packs Wednesday morning and still have 3 left. That's pretty Damn good for me. And Brokenjaw hasn't smoked since Monday and he's driving me BONKERS! :crackhead:
:thumbs-up: You guys can do it...I believe in you :bouncer:
I have drugs to quit.
Zyban? Does it work? Tell me, tell me. I'm next, and he started again last night.
zyban worked for a buddy of mine

now back to the original topic............................

I WIN!!!
No you don't! I win!
I am just going to take the Wellbutrin because it's the same exact thing as Zyban and I can get it for free at the office. I'll let you know how it goes. I will probably be a little more insane what with taking that and the arrival of spring coming soon. You've all been warned. :-D :firebounce:

Actually, I should just call the pharmaceutical rep. and get the Zyban. :clueless:
I'm going back to sleep... :thumbs-up:
I win! woooooo! :banana:'s me!
When pigs fly, momma! [Image: 1763481.jpg]
It's 52 degrees out and sunny, and 11 more days til spring. So I WIN DAMMIT!
63 here :bouncer:
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