If you guys are for innocent people dying in order for us to go to war, would you sacrifice your life for the greater good?
I doubt some of the people who say that killing innocents is the price of war would be willing to put their own lives on the line.
Thats whats funny about America. All the privledges, none of the responsibility.
If it was with UN approval, yes I'd go if drafted or if our forces were depleted.
Quote:All the privledges, none of the responsibility.
My family is sacrificing...is yours?
No, i'm one of the chicken shit American's I mocked previously. Seriously, i'd be too scared to fight. I wouldn't want to have one of my family members die in War either. I'd make a bee line for the Clinton Canadian passage if they decided to start the draft.
Quote:Thats whats funny about America. All the privledges, none of the responsibility.
Quote:No, i'm one of the chicken shit American's I mocked previously.
You have a great future ahead of you in politics.....
That depends on what your definition of "is" is.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.
Sir Winston Churchill
Quote:The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.
Great quote, Churchill rocks. BUT, how does Saddam Hussein pose a threat to my "own personal safety"? Or more importantly, perhaps, is my own personal safety in more danger if we declare war on Iraq, than it would be if we don't? I still don't buy Bush's rhetoric...he can hold all the televised pep rallies he wants, but in the end, I wouldn't fight his war, especially after the war on personal freedom he's waged and won against his own citizens...
Quote:BUT, how does Saddam Hussein pose a threat to my "own personal safety"?
Yes, his links to terrorist groups pose a direct threat to the United States.
As for the UN buisness, have you wondered why France and Germany and other countries are against this war? One simple reason, MONEY. they have oil contracts with Iraq, so anyone who says America is doing it just for the oil should look at the other countries who stand against us.
I'm awaiting the day when we order Liberty Fries
Saddam should be removed, saddam is stock piling weapons...
but war is not the answer.
Then what is?
Boo hoo we're gonna kill innocent iraqi babies, yeah we may but we still won't kill as many as saddam already has. try moving to iraq for a week and then come back with your anti-war talk. Or better yet go over there and try questioning saddam, or do you wanna shoot yourself in the head instead?
Have you considered the possibility of American propaganda?
My concern is not with the killing of innocents during the war because I think that will be kept to a minimum. It's the aftermath. I don't think the Bush Administration will want to go thru years of nation-building (the dreaded n-word to republicans). What happens when Bush gives the cold shoulder to the Kurds like his father did? Do you really want to see Turkey and the Kurds going at it with occupying US troops in between? If the US isn't committed to build Iraq from the ground up and make all the minorities happy you could have a middle eastern Yugoslavia.
Quote:Have you considered the possibility of American propaganda?
I am sick and tired of this pseudo intellectual bullshit and soapbox politics. If everyone is so fuckin smart and war is not the answer, then what is? Everyone agrees saddam must disarm and is a threat, yet they say war is not the answer. Then what? ANother 12 years of failed weapons inspections? Maybe wait for saddam to suddenly have a change of heart?
This is a man who kills his own people, who attempted to murder our own president, who tortues people for amusement. A man who cares nothing for his own people, let alone the rest of the world. do you think a man with no fear or ties and who doesn't give a good fuck what happens to his own country, a man who was willing to burn his own country down will really care if he takes out everyone he can with him? He's a cornered rat now with nothing to lose.
Fine lets just sit around and wait for him to do something, he's just stockpiling weapons cause it's a hobby of his and he just likes collecting them. Not like he hates us or anything.
the way I see it, Americans had become complacent in thinking that we were King Shit, and anytime we said jump, most others would say "how high?". Then, 9/11 hits - and we all become sad, scared, then angry and vengeful. We go after OBL, we don't get him - still haven't. Many have argued "Why Saddam, and not OBL?" Does it make a difference? For all we know, OBL and Saddam could be a Hell of a lot more linked together than we know. Just the fact that Saddam may have WOMD that he could potentially sell to Al Queda or any other Terrorist group to use against us is, in my mind, reason enough to go in and clean house. I also think that North Korea should be next on the block - but we have to deal with that very carefully, which the gov't seemingly has been doing so far.
The bottom line is pre-9/11 we were all happy living in our little microcosm of "noonew will fuck with us because we own all" - but we were slapped hard in the face, and the reality that we might have to be more pre-emptive in our security is a tough pill for most Americans to swallow. Of course, I would like to see a peaceful resolution to this mess, but it won't happen. The fact that Bush essentially told the UN "we'll go even if you say no" should be enough reason for all these anti-war mongers to shut the Hell up and take up humanitarian efforts to support our soldiers - donate blood, their time, etc. And even if this is the wrong thing to do, there isn't a Damn thing we can do about it.
Isn't the shit hitting the fan today?
Quote:Americans had become complacent in thinking that we were King Shit
I won't defile this thread with a froy reference but let it be known I held back.
If Bush imposes a $25 sever-bill tax on us, I'm movin' to Canada.