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Pages: 1 2
The sound Momo makes when he hits the pavement? :thumbs-up:
The sound Momo makes when his bike is trashed?
just reiterating
The sound Momo makes when he loses the use of his legs?
Quote:The sound Momo makes when his bike is trashed?
:twak: more comment like that & it's gonna get ugly around here...
the sond maymay makes as i enter
The sound Momo makes when he realizes he can't shovel himself out after a winter storm?
Quote:The sound Momo makes when he loses the use of his legs?
Quote:The sound Momo makes when he realizes he can't shovel himself out after a winter storm?
ok... that's it.... no more mr. nice momo :burnfucker: :fuckoff: :burnfucker:
The sound Momo makes when he's being picked on?
you'll rue the day you crossed me damien...
i thought i was the only one who used rue. :banana:
Pages: 1 2