Full Version: The first post in this thread (by me) - is going to be gay.  Don't bother.
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Pages: 1 2
Hey! Quit fuckin with my shit... :fuckoff:
:poke: shaddup convict....
I was never convicted...I didn't even have a trial! Confusedneak:
sucks to be you, huh... :lol:
This is a jackocracy. There is no right to a trial. You do as I say.
:thumbs-up: you're the boss...
Finally, someone gets it.

That's funney.
Hey get that rooster out of here...COCK a doodle doo...Damn it...
No it isn't.

To Anger Management with you. Dick.
hey Jack...Can I come out now? :clueless:
No. Sorry, the cash flow would stop should I let you out. Nothing personal though.
what cash flow?
The bribe son. Get the car key out of your ear.. it went to far.

Moron is supplying me with a heavy amount of cash to keep you in here. Unless, of course, you have a counter offer.
<img src=>
You gotta do better than that.
[Image: money-stack2.jpg]
Quote:[Image: money-stack2.jpg]

this looks like what I found in my couch the last time I cleaned out the cushions.
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