Full Version: Psst...Danked....
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If you let me out...I'll give you skittles

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Danked has Willpower you infidel. He can resist the cravings for the munchies.
:lookatme: Hi Jack...why don't you bust me on out of here?
I don't dig Skittles really.
:rofl: ...hahahahaha... you're in the Hole.... :lol:
shut up Homo...:twak:

Fine if the guards can't be bribed and Jack won't let me out...I'll just dig my way out...

[Image: Spoon.jpg]
[Image: explosive_store_escape_tunnel.jpg]
Yeah... how's that working out for ya?
I'm almost there...
Dude.. you should see whats going on in the pit. I laughed.. I cried from laughing so hard.. I laughed again... Its freaking hilarious.
If Jack says it, you know its true :loveya:

Have fun rotting in there :lol:
Quote:If Jack says it, you know its true
Jack said I'm free...
Quote:Have fun rotting in there
So I am free...rotting = over...