Full Version: i am not asking, i am demanding!!!!
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Quote:As a person who posts here I am included with the statement of "anyone on this board"...thus then in by acknowledgement that I thought it was funny mildness has nothing to do with it...
your "mildness" has everything to do with it. now if you were medium or hot it would be a different story.

Quote:Don't bother arguing with the yuppie, he is too busy arguing with the Starbucks manager about the amount of foam on his grande latte.
why do you bother?
as long as he amuses himself, what's the big deal ... admitedly he's the only one who ever finds him funney

ass monkey :thumbs-up:
Quote:as long as he amuses himself, what's the big deal ... admitedly he's the only one who ever finds him funney
you are right. i will stop bringing it up.

douche nozzle!
I find him funny. Not as funny as the word "uterus", but funny nonetheless
i pray that you are not being serious. it would really change my opinion of you in a negative manner.
On a funny scale of 1-10, you are a seven.
"uterus" is a 9
"fartballs" is a 12
i think vagina is funnier.
i find squat and sassafras to be very funny!
Vagina is OK, but it's used a lot and doesn't have the giggly shock factor.

You work "fartballs" into a business meeting, and watch the guffaws ensue

nuff said
Quote:this is just sad. i defy anyone on this board to admit to thinking this is funny.

actually, i think it's pretty funny :thumbs-up:
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