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you're just jealous you don't have the pimp hand i posess.
Quote:you were merely a foot soilder to sleeper's patton
this is a damnable lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am stupified that you would even think to write that!!!!!!!!
Seph's destruction was all me, that other little prick was nowhere near the scene.
Arpi every one knows it was beauty which killed the beast.

Seph downright owns you.

History re-writer
you people are starting to piss me off! does no one remember the incident? i do, i destroyed him!!! he ran like a little bitch after my fat kid in a ninja suit campaign. you fucking retards!!!! AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!
I remember,
and you were the beauty to which I referred.
i just IM'ed seph, he said it was totally sleeper. he was confused when i mentioned the name arpi, he doesn't even remember a poster by that name. you weren't even on his radar.
thanks ken, at least on eperson around here isnt afraid to give credit where credit is due. next thing you know galt will claim credit for grumpys demise. Rolleyes
sean totally shamed grumpy off the board
keyser is just instigating now. :disappointed:
grumpy quit,
when keyser banged his wife...
i was serious about the seph IM

I brought Seph down
I brought down
I brought morgan*******.com down

I am the internet bad-ass!
OH YEAH Well I killed UPU!!! >)
sleeper > arpi
Quote:i was serious about the seph IM
lies. everyone knows that i brought Seph down. end of discussion. you may continue with your lies if you so wish but i know the truth and that is all that matters. dismissed.
I miss Seph :-(
Quote:OH YEAH Well I killed UPU!!! >)
that was dan from hoboken
Quote:hard to find room what with Seph over the mantel. guess i will have to put him in the guest room.
Commie Pinko. :-p
Quote:Commie Pinko.
i was gonna post a "hunh?" and then i all of a sudden got it and spit orange juice across the room. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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