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And I packed it over a signed federal document that we're mailing to the IRS. Sometimes I love my new job!!! :fuggin:
But he insisted on putting a screen in my glass bowl cuz I couldn't come up with a good enough answer for why not to.
Was he trying to see your panty lines too? Rolleyes
Duh. She took off her panties, remember? Rolleyes
Yes I knew that, I was now wondering if her boss knows...slapass Confusedmack:
Quote:I couldn't come up with a good enough answer for why not to.
it will scratch it
Quote:I was now wondering if her boss knows

Hopefully not. I shut and locked the office door before removing them. Even remembered to shut the blinds, unlike like last time I changed in here and accidently gave the office bldg across the street quite a show! mid-day shows...I'm gonna have to get me some binoculars :lol:
Quote:But he insisted on putting a screen in my glass bowl cuz I couldn't come up with a good enough answer for why not to.
atleast he didn't get ash in the mouth
can you send me the panties?
Why would you want my panties? What would you do with them?

'Fess up Keyser, do YOU wear panties? :lol:
sniff them
Ladi knows what i want.
when you get famous, are you going to have one roadie designated as the panty collector?
of course, are you looking to donate?
I'll be the Shill, throw the first pair & see if it starts a trend
have hazmat suits at the ready :thumbs-up:
Quote:have hazmat suits at the ready
he didn't ask for yours
I expect to see your thong this Saturday at the Brookwood in Jackson.

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