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:thumbs-up: send me a postcard...
send money
the only way you get money from me is if i leave it on your dresser in the morning, capiche?
get drew henson to sign an autograph for me...

on your back with his banana juice.
Arpi is a good girlfriend, he swallows
Take Luck
Quote:Arpi is a good girlfriend, he swallows
take your lips off the crack pipe and come back to reality
so then you do like it on your back? my bad
I'll miss you buddy, next year we should go together. We can take galt to see a real baseball team play. It will be like the original kings of comedy tour, cept you and galt are white.
Quote:so then you do like it on your back? my bad
i assume that all of your posts make sense in your world cause they dont in this one.
have fun
You just skipped over my post, I can see the hatred in those bloodshot eyes of yours. I am not even a passing thought in that fucked up head of yours... Undecided
he used you for a new status
spring training, tampa, 86 degrees, me, tomorrow, going!
seriously, enjoy the trip - I wish I were going too Sad
me too, im jealous!
Is your chick going too?
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