Hear me well. As of today, a new Dave is born. A new Dave, who for lack of a better phrase is - pure evil... and by embodying pure evil as I now do, in one short week, I will have my old job rightfully re-bestowed upon me.
Beth: No. My parents let me watch the Wizard of Oz when I was five years old and it gave me nightmares for years.
Dave: Oh right the wicked witch.
Beth: No, Dorothy. For years I was convinced that a house was gonna fall out of the sky and crush me and then some farm girl was gonna come along and steal my flashy red shoes.
BILL: "My essential position is the same."
DAVE: "No, in fact it's the complete opposite."
BILL: "Yes, and opposites attract, don't they?"
Sexual harassment is no joke sweet cans.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half truths and gorilla dust
Coporations have learned what fraternities and biker gangs have known for years. Hazing works!
It wouldn't be the first time this voice has saved a life. Remember last summer that guy walked in front of a bus? 'LOOK OUT!!' Life saved, thank you..."
The eyes are the windows to the skull my friend.
The fact is, the woman wanted me. And the fact that she couldn't have me made her quite simply, insane....with what the great poets have called, Manimal Lust
Show me a woman who isn't jealous of another woman and I'll show you a man
Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!
Your last name is Garelli?
There comes a time in every friendship when you have to say, I never liked you - get lost
Why are you trying to steal James Caan away from me?
Quote:Don't you mean soul?
For those of us who have one.
Then again another wise man said, if you can get more money, screw your friends
D: That man doesn't sound so wise.
B: My father was a very misunderstood man.