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Quote:don't you mean soul?
i sold that a long time ago

This is like that episode of Star Trek with the parrellel universe where everything is exactly the same except everyones on heroin

Edited By DGW on 1047574849
You can't take something off the Internet! It's like taking pee out of a swimming pool.
Duct tape was invented a long time before you were born by somebody really smart.
Jimmy James: It's like I'm under siege, like that movie.
Dave: Under Siege?
Jimmy James: No...
Dave: Under Siege 2?
Jimmy James: No...
Dave: Under Siege 3?
Jimmy James: That's the one.
Lisa: I don't think they made Under Siege 3.
It’s a good thing you didn't set yourself on fire or else we'd both be in trouble.
Dave: Guess how many pieces of gum Beth chewed last year.
Lisa: Seven hundred and fifty.
Dave: One.
Is it getting chilly in here, or are you wearing an anatomically correct bra?
I was recently fired from my job. I don't blame my supervisor or my coworkers. Even though they were all a bunch of jerks and liars who claimed I was hostile.
(Page 4 has 2 repeats!)

You sir, are a salute to your profession. A towering figure in the food service pantheon. Kudos to you. And kudos again!
You just threw up in the punch bowl we all share and now you expect us to believe it's Alphabet Soup?
Quote:(Page 4 has 2 repeats!)
do i get spanked for that?
Let me say to you what I told my brother last Thanksgiving, 'Give me my money back!
This is a two-part question. 1. What does Lisa look like naked? And 2. What does Lisa feel like naked?
You got what you wanted from Dave, right? Then you snapped your legs shut like a well-oiled beartrap!
Why does everyone think I'm some kind of..... office supply whore?
You poor misguided Canadian bastard.
Are you challenging my Constitutional right to make naked phone calls?
Bill! I'm fixin' for another homoerotic adventure on the big muddy!
There are so few NewsRadio episodes on Kazaa. :disappointed:
You can borrow from my library sometime.
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