Full Version: Seasonal Depressive Disorder
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Cabin Fever, Winter Blahs, actual Depression ... do you notice any of this in yourself?

It was just pointed out to me that I haven't been myself. I feel it, Winter needs to end soon, I need to feel the Sun again! I've been even more unmotivated, tired & generally disgruntled lately. :damnpc:
:lookatme: I have it.

You can take drugs for it, you can do "light therapy" for it or you can suffer with it till we get more sunlight.

Mine hits worse at the beginning of winter rather than in February.

Edited By LunaBabe on 1047580131
it's just another lame excuse to use. waaa
Whenever I get depressed, I just fly closer to the sun.
Yes, I have it.

Or maybe I have ADD, or OCD, or maybe Hypochondria.

I have something.
...what is this sillyness you speak of... :poke:
yuppie flu
I like the dark and the winter. you are all wierdos
S.A.D = Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Quote:You can take drugs for it
i do :fuggin:

Quote:Mine hits worse at the beginning of winter rather than in February.
my birthday & the holidays are at the beginning of the Winter, so I do ok then
:crackhead: holy haberdashery....

...did anyone else happen to notice the times we all posted??????

we're like a bunch of friggin vultures tearing into a lone rabbit in the desert...
Can I blame my slipped disc on Winter? It would give me yet one more reason to hate the season :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Ya'll need to head west. Lots-o-sun out here for you! :-D
yes Goat, shoveling is the Devil's work .... in that bad way
Just go tanning, Ladi. :firebounce:
no, I already have too much predisposition to Cancer
I was starting to head towards there

But then it was nice and sunny today

I drove with the windows down and the sunroof upon, it was fantastic
Quote:no, I already have too much predisposition to Cancer
Get full-spectrum bulbs and replace all your light bulbs.
:rofl: maybe I should start with turning the lights ON
Like Sweet Said...head west...or south :thumbs-up: it's shorts and t-shirt weather down here 70's every day...58 at night...fuckin beautiful...
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