Full Version: My Mindless topic - chosen by fascism
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Since the amok mods subverted the process.
and the topics ended tied,

It is now my duty to give you today's mindless topic,
of how I will spend my weekend,
contemplating the many reasons I love Arpi.

I might be working,
I might play a video game,

but a special corner of my mind, will be devoted to thinking of Arpi, and the countless things he does, to earn my devotion.
this thread, while sweet, carries the stench of fascistic oppression.
Goatweed is a greater threat than Saddam.
Sucks, this thread does.
:::contemplates opening the secret locker and retrieving the secret book of the not dead but simply dormant resistance::
Buttmunch opinion, cares I not.
Quote:Buttmunch opinion, cares I not.

Thank god.

I couldn't bear the pressure.
Arpi is like our very own, Scarlet Pimpernell.