Full Version: I'm Bored - a pole
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now i'm bored
yes, I have no where to be Undecided
me too, i think a nap might be in my very near future...
... 4 hours?
4 hours for what?
.... nah, I mistyped, I dunno what I was trying to say....
maybe .... nap for hours?
... nah, I dunno, I'm not sure,
silly boy
i think i burned my tongue on my soup today
yeah, so i guess 4 hours it was...

now i'm gonna be up all night Undecided
So we can expect cranky, bored Tricia in chat tonight?

You know, the one who promises anal but won't follow through?
Quote:You know, the one who promises anal but won't follow through?
just gettin shot down all over the place aren'tcha

And I'm bored and horny

I miss my gf :-(
gf = giant fag
Yes that's exactly what I meant Sherlock
:banana: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i am the winner!!!! :banana:
Now run alone
Quote:Now run along
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