Full Version: recommend me a motherboard/CPU combo - your insights are appreciated
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I'm going to be building a system in the next year or so...I was thinking about getting a p4 cause of hyperthreading...I like the way it sounds...anyone know anything good/bad about hyperthreading?
Sure Goaty.

I have been using AMD for 4 years now... not a single bad chip in the whole bunch.
AMD's stock in my view has just risen a few points - I'll have to hunt around and see how much $$ we're talking. I've been talking about building a box for a while now, but I've finally got some extra $ that I can use to "spluge" so it's more of a reality. What kinda RAM does that board use?

On another note Jack, I finally got XBox Live - it's kinda cool, but christ UC is fucking hard with a gane pad :-( I got my PS2 online also and SOCOM which is also cool, but again I need to adapt to the game pad (don't tell LZ or Keyser yet, cause I'll bet they can't wait for my utter n00b-ness to join them so they can frag the Hell out of me).
DDR2700 is the ram you would want to use in your system. You can get 512MB on Crucial for the board I recommended for $81.99 (plus free shipping right now.) Ram is cheap so buy now before the war cause it is going to skyrocket I think.

I don't have any Live games right now. :-(
Quote:I don't have any Live games right now.

I thought you had UC - what happened? Baker broke it, didn't he?

That's a sweet price on RAM, but I don't wanna buy any until I get the board - one thing at a time.
It was rented. :-(
Hey LyricalGomez, I saw you weren't too fond of Alienware. Actually they are one of two I am seriously considering for my next system.

I have a question for you, or anyone else who may know. Have you ever heard of ViciousPC and if so what do you think of them? They haven't been around very long so they don't have much of a reputation. They come in at a lower price than Alienware, but like I said they are fairly new so I'm a little leery of them.
I never heard of them, Imp.

Alienware makes a decent machine, but they're a little pricey for what they give you - I kinda look at them as the Dell of gaming machines, you pay a little more but it's mainly for the warranty.

I still haven't committed to a motherboard yet - I'm gonna do all my research and start building a machine on paper just in time for the next PC Show/Expo in Edison :thumbs-up:
I recently picked up a Soyo Dragon Lite mobo ($99) and a P4 2.4 GHz processor ($139) and 512MB of DDR2700 RAM ($89 w/ $25 mail-in rebate)...

I'm happy as Hell with the results in upgrading from a 1GHz PIII. P4 processors are finally at a reasonable price, and so I stand by my suggestion to avoid AMD.
like a gnat to a bug light.
Yeah, like I said goatweed, they are kinda new to the scene so not many people know of them. Even though their price is coming in around $250-$300 less than the same exact Alienware model, they don't list name brand components. That has me a little leery and willing to spend the extra money on a company that has a fairly good reputation.
I've been using an Asus A7N8X with an AMD 2400 which is DDR 400 and 8xAGP. No complaints...but if i was getting one now, I'd move to get an Asus A7N8X Deluxe which is even better, and a AMD 2600 or above.

Edited By Gooch on 1049336444
I just bought:

Asus A7N8X-DX (Deluxe)
AMD Barton 2500+ which will be overclocked to 3200+
80 gig Special Edition WD drive

a few more parts and I'm ready to upgrade :banana:
nice - I heard many good things about that board, just not to many good things about AMD chips...

Edited By Goatweed on 1060090952
this thread would make me much happier if in the title "your insights are appreciated" was replaced with motherbitches!
but Seph's not here.
it was more of a reminiscence of lent's final blowout. i guess we'd have to move it the golden age if we did that though
I forgot about that - yeah, we might have to move it then.

good times :thumbs-up:
Is a motherboard the board you tie to your ass when your fucking someone's mother so you don't fall in?
not quite, but that's a hell of a guess.
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