Full Version: Is it wrong to jack it to your brother's wife?
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Arpi is such a good friend. He always points these things out to me so I can fix them.
shouldnt you be thinking of new ways to seperate yourself from the membership? working out new ways to convince us and yourself that you are a big man? things must be slow at OTL.
it kind of sucks the way you spoil every thread with your bickering.

and you said Jack's insults were tired :disappointed:

wait ..... is it a compliment? :clueless:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1047946745
Quote:and you said Jack's insults were tired
no i didnt. thought that was self evident.
i said he was an insecure, self hating, sad little boy who felt the need to distance himself from the membership of this board in order to assuage his fragile self image. he does this all at the expense of this board. he has become similar to all that we despise , froy.
i never said his insults were tired.
see what happens when you disagree with froy jr.? he will cell you or change the name on your account. he will not stand for having his words or deeds challenged. he wants us all to bend to his will or by god he will punish you. he has become the froy!
Quote:ooohhh! you got me. ZZIINNGG!!!
it was implied
Quote:it was implied
no, it wasnt
judging by how froy jr felt the need to change my name, i am thinking that i have been hitting pretty close to the mark. :thumbs-up:
I took the hints. You said you wanted a spiffy name. So I obliged. What else good are friends for? We help eachother out.
Quote:no, it wasnt
you cannot control how the things you type are taken
whats next jack, the cell? thats where you usually put people who disagree with you. it makes you feel like a man.
Thanks for reminding me.. I need to find the key.

God what a good friend. :loveya:
i expect nothing less from you.
Quote:i said he was an insecure, self hating, sad little boy who felt the need to distance himself from the membership of this board in order to assuage his fragile self image. he does this all at the expense of this board.

Except for the little boy part, this could also be applied to the author.
you are very incorrect, but i think its sweet how you jump to the aid of your little friend. its cute.
getting back on topic...I don't think it's wrong. Then again, my brother isn't married :-D
I don't have a brother.
Quote:you are very incorrect, but i think its sweet how you jump to the aid of your little friend. its cute.

You protected maynard before, it's like a parental instinct.

As far as the question at hand, it's not that it's wrong cause it's your siblings spouse. It's wrong because it is your sibling, family is family and you don't do shit like that. Yeah some of us have more morals than you may think.
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