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There have been a lot of movies that have gone through many name changes. For example: Field of Dreams was originally titled "Shoeless Joe", but audiences thought Kevin Costner played a homeless guy so they changed the name. Also Pretty Woman was originally titled "3000", but noone got what that meant.

What are some movie titles that you thought sucked and were a hindrance to an otherwise good or even great movie, and what would you change it to?

I'd go with:

Shawshank Redemption - Shawshank ("Redemption" gives a way too much of the plot)
Boogie Nights - Dirk Diggler (That name is too funny not to be a title)
Good Will Hunting - A Genius in Southie

Possibly more to come.
Pearl Harbor was originally titled: Pearl Harbor... not based on an actual incident
Fight Club.......Delicious Insolence
Star Wars.......Make Love Not Star Wars
The Godfather......Guinea Pigs
Jurrasic Park......Moichendizing!
America Pie.....Pastry Fucker
American History X-Loads of racism and some anal rape
Swordfish - Halle Berry's yummy chocolate rockers
3000 Miles to Graceland - The Worst Movie in the History of the Fucking World
Rocky V - The Movie That Doesn't Exist
Godfather 3 - The Movie That Doesn't Exist, Part
Schindler's List-Evil Jewish Bolshevik Propaganda
Enemy of the Gates-More Communist Propaganda
Castaway-Tom Hanks needs a fucking shower
The Animal - Ishtar II
15 minutes = dog shit
Crow: City Of Angels = moose shit
Beverly Hills Cop 3 = runny shit
Planet of the Apes(2001) = wet shit
Fast and the Furious = just shit